Monday, January 07, 2008

Animation Rigging

Admitedly I am being terrible at doing my blog.  I have done quite a bit of animation in maya and even taken quite a few screen shots but just not got round to uploading them on here, and the one time i tried it just wouldn't work.  Anyway here are some screenshots of some of the stuff I've been doing in Maya.

1. Very basic rigging of a cylinder shape to show basic movement:

Basic Cylinder shape

Adding the skeleton

Adding the IK (Inverse Kinetic) joint

Using smooth bind to bind the joints to the cylinder object

Moving the IK Joint to modify the shape of the cylinder

2. Human Modelling

In this second modelling example, I have modelled a human's upper body and then added the joints as before, however, when moving the arm, the whole body becomes destorted in this example and so I left this and started from scratch.

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