Tuesday, January 30, 2007




Introduction to branding – history, why it is important, successful brands
What makes a good logo/brand, what stands out? Use of characters/celebrities endorsement/emotion

Should be:
· Simple
· Timeless
· Universal
· Scalable
· Unique

Try different things, experiment, and mimic to see what works and what doesn’t in artistic sense and for the specification. Try different thicknesses, styles, angles etc.

Analyse existing logos/adverts/characters.
Think about the name e4 and what can be represented done with these two characters.

I will look at the e4 logo as well as logos for other tv channels and related companies. I will experiment with different colours and shapes to see how the logo looks in different styles as well as ways the logo can be animated.

  1. Advertisement (eSting)

    Look at different animations, short animations, cartoons etc. What looks good, look at small part of animation and see how things (characters, props, backgrounds) move.

    Make sure look and feel reflects what the company (e4) is about. Communicates a young, fun theme.
  2. Website

    This must be informative and interesting as well as attractive and grab the attention of the visitor as well as making visitors want to return.

    This should use characters, colours and themes based on the eSting I will create to give some familiarity and continuity and gives a more recognisable identity to the company.
  3. Poster/leaflet

    Like the website and animation, bright colours and characters familiar to the different mediums (animation, website etc) will be used to make it interesting and attractive. This will obviously be a still, none interactive design but will have to grab peoples attention and make
    people interested in finding out more about the company and watching the channel.

Stella Rimington Performance

Yesterday we performed the Stella Rimington presentation that Richard and myself had written. The presentation was shown on a projector using a file I had created in flash with buttons to move between the different animations, images, text and sound which made up the presentation. A script was read out and acting was done mainly by Richard and Ben which added more depth to the production and allowed facts to be read out and presented to the audience verbally.

I think the presentation went quite well, especially concidering the limited time we had to create the whole thing. I am quite pleased with the animations I created as well as the overal presentation and script which I worked a lot on and feel it was quite successful. We were also able to make about £17 for charity (Breast Cancer) and the audience seemed to find it amusing.