Friday, March 14, 2008

Further Flash Programming

Since working on the flash game project I have regained mhy interest in programming and am learning further about actionscript and programming in general.

I am currently working on understanding object movements and the maths behind the movement of objects. Using the code from a reply to a message in a forum ( I have created a simple movement of a block which moves where you click the mouse.

The object does not stop when it reaches where the player clicked, however. Although I will experiment into how to make it stop when it does reach the location, I also think the block continuing to move would make a good little game if it were to bounce on the walls or to loop back round the other side, or give game over if you go off the side (probably the easiest method for now). By adding objects to collect and avoid this could be a nice quick little game.


Term 2 Game Project - Completion

I have finished my game project for the second term. I am pleased with the outcome, though I got very stressed towards the end of the game and am very glad the project is over. I will, however, make slight ajustments to the game and then uplaod it to the internet.

As my games lecturer Brad said, this game will be useful in a games or programming job interview, being able to show original idea creation and to follow through with the actual creation of the game.

I am very pleased to have this game created and under my belt, feeling it will be a useful part of my portfolio.

Saying that, I really need to get on with creating a website to show all my stuff including games, animations, computer created graphics, sketches etc.

Mind reading

There seems to be quite a l0t of stuff I've been reading in the news and online lately about developments in science which allow thoughts to be read by computers to perform actions. I find this sort of thing facisnating and I think goes perfectly hand in hand with gaming and interactivy which are things I am very interested in. Here are some videos:

Voiceless phone call:

Controlling a rat with a laptop (bit weird but very interesting):

Second life being controlled with mind control:

Obviously very useful for people with paralysis etc, but also would be great for the entertainment industry. Hopefully in upcoming years the use for this will be applied to games, allowing a step up from the Wii's simulated interactivity to actually moving a character by thinking about walking, as though you are actually in the game.