Ahhh all projects for this year done and handed in, just an essay to hand in tomorrow which I'm printing out now. I'm pretty happy with the work I have done this year, and although I think I was a bit ambitious with the scale of my level, which I think ended up with it being more quantity than quality I still think it turned out quite well. Its not up to a proffessional standard but it has been very useful working on the unreal level, in learning how to use the game engine as well as the 3D software maya. I know I would be able to create the same level with much more ease if I were to do it again.
Over the summer I am going to try and achieve a few projects.
1. Another unreal level. A bit smaller than the one I have done for the term three project, but with more detail and more work with maya and photoshop in creating tiles. I might have it completely platform based and try and work with some of the physics to make a more advanced, less first person shooter-ish level.
2. Work on my website, put some new stuff on it, get my projects up on there, etc
3. Come up with a game concept/idea for a flash or unreal level, plan it out and if I have time start working on it. Something to put on blog.
4. Some work with maya creating general static meshes to use on projects.
5. A summer comic of some kind, maybe an interactive animated comic or something.