Monday, November 26, 2007

Interactive Design - Flash Game

I have mainly been working on my Interactive Design game in flash. I originally intended to create the game in ActionScript 3.0 but quickly realised it was going to take me a LOT longer to work out how to program it in the new language as oposed to 2.0.

There are a lotttt of problems with the game which I think I will try and sort out because I em enjoying making the game and I quite like the style of it. All the images I have snatched from other projects I have done in the last few years, and Cavey has made a return from the e4 ident I did last year.

I started the game using a a tutorial on (click here for link) but spent hours changing bits here and there, completely changed the graphics and re-wrote most of the code. I think I have learnt quite a lot from this tutorial.

Hopefully a lot of what I have learnt from this tutorial and the project will be useful for other projects in flash, including ones where I do actually move on to Action Script 3.0. I think I would like to re-create this game in AS3.0, making improvements and tweaking bits here and there as I go.

Anyway here are a list of problems I have found while playing the game.

Speed - I have only played it on my computer but it seems quite slow. My computer/internet is realyl quite laggy so this could have something to do with it.

Jumping - For some reason I couldn't get the jump to animate, something to do with howthe code is written I think, and havn't been able to find a way around it yet, so I have just used the one frame for the jump.

Jumping 2 - The gravity doesn't feel right, as though he is floating about a bit. I have played around a little bit with this but havn't got it right yet. More playing about to do.

Jumping 3 - When jumping across gaps in the ground it is often possible to land half way in the grass on the other side. I tried making the sides of the jump walls so that the character cannot move in that way, but I havn't fully implimented and tested that yet so it still doesn't work properly. Also, when landing from a platform, the character does not land completely on top of the ground, landing slighty further down than he should be. I think this may be to do with the amount the character is falling, or it could be to do with problems using the hittest function or from using randomly placed platforms which do not keep to a predefined grid.

Hidden Stars/Hidden Platform - These two hidden things, both activated by switches do not work correctly, in that although the stars are invisible, they are still collected when the character walks through them. The same with the hidden platform, the character is still able to walk on it although it is invisible. This is probably due to the fact of using visibility instead of actually placing and removing objects.

Gameover/End - When you get game over or complete the level, at the score screen, if you press the arrow keys the screen still moves from side to side. If you then press space to start again, the screen will have moved to the side where you moved at the gameover score.
This moves the star counter as well as putting the character in the wrong place. This is simply because I havn't taken out the character movement controls and will be easy to fix.

Cloud Animation - Doesn't loop properly and the clouds stop, leaving some of the sky with still clouds and the rest with a clear blue background.

Lives - No life system implimented yet. Easy enough to do just havn't added yet.

Music - Doesn't loop. Too long a gap at the start (I just grabbed the music I used for my e4 Ident project last year so it isn't created for this and is just a filler. I will edit the music to fit the game more later.


So yes, I have quite a lot of work to do on this game. I would also like to start it from scratch and make it so that the game is created completely by code at runtime as oposed to designing the levels at design time. This will make the game run faster and smoother and will allow me to use arrays which should make creating the game a lot faster.

Oh and the link to the game is here: PLAY

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